Frequently asked questions…

  • Credits Due is a global initiative focused on bringing the music industry together to ensure that complete and accurate song metadata is attached to all recordings and songs at the point of creation.

    Credits Due was established by The Ivors Academy of Music Creators and the Music Rights Awareness Foundation in 2021, now with worldwide support from dozens of organisations across the music industry.

  • The Ivors Academy is the UK’s independent professional association for music creators. They represent and champion a diverse, talented community of songwriters and composers. They are a self-funded not-for-profit organisation, which relies on the continued support of members and partners to carry on their work. The Academy is known internationally for The Ivors - an Ivor Novello Award is the pinnacle in the career of many songwriters and composers.

  • Music Rights Awareness is an apolitical foundation that works to increase knowledge of music rights worldwide. Through education and support, they help music creators to take control of their rights and be able to live on their music – regardless of economical, geographical and cultural conditions. Their vision is for all music creators to be compensated fairly for the music they share with the world.

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  • WIPO for Creators - a consortium founded by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Music Rights Awareness Foundation - is launching a rights awareness platform with the aim of supporting creators worldwide across the many different creative fields.

    The two initiatives are complementary - with WIPO for Creators focused on multi-repertoire creator rights awareness and Credits Due focused on bringing the global music industry together to ensure that complete and accurate song metadata is attached to all recordings and songs at the point of creation.

    The joint-presence of Music Rights Awareness Foundation will enable the identification of opportunities for the two initiatives to collaborate in the interests of music creators.

    More information on WIPO for Creators can be found at